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Must be SD_TEXTUAL_INVERSION. This is what differentiates training pipeline types.


seed: Optional[int] = None

A randomization seed for reproducible training. Set to any constant integer for consistent training results. If set to null, training will be non-deterministic.


base_output_dir: str

The output directory where the training outputs (model checkpoints, logs, intermediate predictions) will be written. A subdirectory will be created with a timestamp for each new training run.


report_to: Literal['all', 'tensorboard', 'wandb', 'comet_ml'] = 'tensorboard'

The integration to report results and logs to. This value is passed to Hugging Face Accelerate. See accelerate.Accelerator.log_with for more details.


max_train_steps: int | None = None

Total number of training steps to perform. One training step is one gradient update.

One of max_train_steps or max_train_epochs should be set.


max_train_epochs: int | None = None

Total number of training epochs to perform. One epoch is one pass over the entire dataset.

One of max_train_steps or max_train_epochs should be set.


save_every_n_epochs: int | None = None

The interval (in epochs) at which to save checkpoints.

One of save_every_n_epochs or save_every_n_steps should be set.


save_every_n_steps: int | None = None

The interval (in steps) at which to save checkpoints.

One of save_every_n_epochs or save_every_n_steps should be set.


validate_every_n_epochs: int | None = None

The interval (in epochs) at which validation images will be generated.

One of validate_every_n_epochs or validate_every_n_steps should be set.


validate_every_n_steps: int | None = None

The interval (in steps) at which validation images will be generated.

One of validate_every_n_epochs or validate_every_n_steps should be set.


model: str

Name or path of the base model to train. Can be in diffusers format, or a single stable diffusion checkpoint file. (E.g. "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", "/path/to/local/model.safetensors", etc.)

The model architecture must match the training pipeline being run. For example, if running a Textual Inversion SDXL pipeline, then model must refer to an SDXL model.


hf_variant: str | None = 'fp16'

The Hugging Face Hub model variant to use. Only applies if model is a Hugging Face Hub model name.


num_vectors: int = 1

Note: num_vectors can be overridden by initial_phrase.

The number of textual inversion embedding vectors that will be used to learn the concept.

Increasing the num_vectors enables the model to learn more complex concepts, but has the following drawbacks:

  • greater risk of overfitting
  • increased size of the resulting output file
  • consumes more of the prompt capacity at inference time

Typical values for num_vectors are in the range [1, 16].

As a rule of thumb, num_vectors can be increased as the size of the dataset increases (without overfitting).


placeholder_token: str

The special word to associate the learned embeddings with. Choose a unique token that is unlikely to already exist in the tokenizer's vocabulary.


initializer_token: str | None = None

Note: Exactly one of initializer_token, initial_embedding_file, or initial_phrase should be set.

A vocabulary token to use as an initializer for the placeholder token. It should be a single word that roughly describes the object or style that you're trying to train on. Must map to a single tokenizer token.

For example, if you are training on a dataset of images of your pet dog, a good choice would be dog.


initial_embedding_file: str | None = None

Note: Exactly one of initializer_token, initial_embedding_file, or initial_phrase should be set.

Path to an existing TI embedding that will be used to initialize the embedding being trained. The placeholder token in the file must match the placeholder_token field.

Either initializer_token or initial_embedding_file should be set.


initial_phrase: str | None = None

Note: Exactly one of initializer_token, initial_embedding_file, or initial_phrase should be set.

A phrase that will be used to initialize the placeholder token embedding. The phrase will be tokenized, and the corresponding embeddings will be used to initialize the placeholder tokens. The number of embedding vectors will be inferred from the length of the tokenized phrase, so keep the phrase short. The consequences of training a large number of embedding vectors are discussed in the num_vectors field documentation.

For example, if you are training on a dataset of images of pokemon, you might use pokemon sketch white background.


optimizer: AdamOptimizerConfig | ProdigyOptimizerConfig = AdamOptimizerConfig()


lr_scheduler: Literal['linear', 'cosine', 'cosine_with_restarts', 'polynomial', 'constant', 'constant_with_warmup'] = 'constant'


lr_warmup_steps: int = 0

The number of warmup steps in the learning rate scheduler. Only applied to schedulers that support warmup. See lr_scheduler.


min_snr_gamma: float | None = 5.0

Min-SNR weighting for diffusion training was introduced in This strategy improves the speed of training convergence by adjusting the weight of each sample.

min_snr_gamma acts like an an upper bound on the weight of samples with low noise levels.

If None, then Min-SNR weighting will not be applied. If enabled, the recommended value is min_snr_gamma = 5.0.


cache_vae_outputs: bool = False

If True, the VAE will be applied to all of the images in the dataset before starting training and the results will be cached to disk. This reduces the VRAM requirements during training (don't have to keep the VAE in VRAM), and speeds up training (don't have to run the VAE encoding step).

This option can only be enabled if all non-deterministic image augmentations are disabled (i.e. center_crop=True, random_flip=False, etc.).


enable_cpu_offload_during_validation: bool = False

If True, models will be kept in CPU memory and loaded into GPU memory one-by-one while generating validation images. This reduces VRAM requirements at the cost of slower generation of validation images.


gradient_accumulation_steps: int = 1

The number of gradient steps to accumulate before each weight update. This is an alternative to increasing the train_batch_size when training with limited VRAM.


weight_dtype: Literal['float32', 'float16', 'bfloat16'] = 'bfloat16'

All weights (trainable and fixed) will be cast to this precision. Lower precision dtypes require less VRAM, and result in faster training, but are more prone to issues with numerical stability.


  • "float32": Use this mode if you have plenty of VRAM available.
  • "bfloat16": Use this mode if you have limited VRAM and a GPU that supports bfloat16.
  • "float16": Use this mode if you have limited VRAM and a GPU that does not support bfloat16.

See also mixed_precision.


mixed_precision: Literal['no', 'fp16', 'bf16', 'fp8'] = 'no'

The mixed precision mode to use.

If mixed precision is enabled, then all non-trainable parameters will be cast to the specified weight_dtype, and trainable parameters are kept in float32 precision to avoid issues with numerical stability.

This value is passed to Hugging Face Accelerate. See accelerate.Accelerator.mixed_precision for more details.


xformers: bool = False

If True, use xformers for more efficient attention blocks.


gradient_checkpointing: bool = False

Whether or not to use gradient checkpointing to save memory at the expense of a slower backward pass. Enabling gradient checkpointing slows down training by ~20%.


max_checkpoints: int | None = None

The maximum number of checkpoints to keep. New checkpoints will replace earlier checkpoints to stay under this limit. Note that this limit is applied to 'step' and 'epoch' checkpoints separately.


prediction_type: Literal['epsilon', 'v_prediction'] | None = None

The prediction type that will be used for training. If None, the prediction type will be inferred from the scheduler.


max_grad_norm: float | None = None

Maximum gradient norm for gradient clipping. Set to None for no clipping.


validation_prompts: list[str] = []

A list of prompts that will be used to generate images throughout training for the purpose of tracking progress.


negative_validation_prompts: list[str] | None = None

A list of negative prompts that will be applied when generating validation images. If set, this list should have the same length as 'validation_prompts'.


num_validation_images_per_prompt: int = 4

The number of validation images to generate for each prompt in validation_prompts. Careful, validation can become very slow if this number is too large.


train_batch_size: int = 4

The training batch size.


use_masks: bool = False

If True, image masks will be applied to weight the loss during training. The dataset must contain masks for this feature to be used.


data_loader: TextualInversionSDDataLoaderConfig

The data configuration.

See TextualInversionSDDataLoaderConfig for details.

