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Dataset Formats

invoke-training supports the following dataset formats:

  • IMAGE_CAPTION_JSONL_DATASET: A local image-caption dataset described by a single .jsonl file.
  • IMAGE_CAPTION_DIR_DATASET: A local directory of images with associated .txt caption files.
  • IMAGE_DIR_DATASET: A local directory of images (without captions).
  • HF_HUB_IMAGE_CAPTION_DATASET: A Hugging Face Hub dataset containing images and captions.

See the documentation for a particular training pipeline to see which dataset formats it supports.

The following sections explain each of these formats in more detail.


Config documentation: ImageCaptionJsonlDatasetConfig

A IMAGE_CAPTION_JSONL_DATASET consists of a single .jsonl file containing image paths and associated captions.

Sample directory structure:

├── data.jsonl
└── train/
    ├── 0001.png
    ├── 0002.png
    ├── 0003.png
    └── ...

The contents of data.jsonl would be:

{"file_name": "train/0001.png", "text": "This is a caption describing image 0001."}
{"file_name": "train/0002.png", "text": "This is a caption describing image 0002."}
{"file_name": "train/0003.png", "text": "This is a caption describing image 0003."}

The image file paths can be either absolute paths, or relative to the .jsonl file.

Finally, this dataset can be used with the following pipeline dataset configuration:

jsonl_path: /path/to/my_custom_dataset/metadata.jsonl
image_column: file_name
caption_column: text

A useful characteristic of this dataset format is that a .jsonl file can reference an image file anywhere on the local disk. It is common to maintain multiple .jsonl datasets that reference some of the same images without needing multiple copies of those images on disk.


Config documentation: ImageCaptionDirDataset

A IMAGE_CAPTION_DIR_DATASET consists of a directory of image files and corresponding .txt caption files of the same name.

Sample directory structure:

├── 0001.png
├── 0001.txt
├── 0002.jpg
├── 0002.txt
├── 0003.png
├── 0003.txt
└── ...

Each .txt file should contain a caption on the first line of the file. Here are the sample contents of 0001.txt:

this is a caption for example 0001

This dataset can be used with the following pipeline dataset configuration:

dataset_dir: /path/to/my_custom_dataset


Config documentation: ImageDirDataset

A IMAGE_DIR_DATASET consists of a single directory of images (without captions).

Sample directory structure:

├── 0001.png
├── 0002.jpg
├── 0003.png
└── ...

This dataset can be used with the following pipeline dataset configuration:

dataset_dir: /path/to/my_custom_dataset


Config documentation: HFHubImageCaptionDatasetConfig

The HF_HUB_IMAGE_CAPTION_DATASET dataset format can be used to access publicly datasets on the Hugging Face Hub. You can filter for the Text-to-Image task to find relevant datasets that contain both an image column and a caption column. lambdalabs/pokemon-blip-captions is a popular choice if you're not sure where to start.