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Quick Start

invoke-training has both a GUI and a CLI (for advanced users). The instructions for getting started with both options can be found on this page.

There is also a video introduction to invoke-training:

Quick Start - GUI

1. Installation

Follow the invoke-training installation instructions.

2. Launch the GUI

# From the invoke-training directory:

# Or, you can optionally override the default host and port:
invoke-train-ui --host --port 1234

Access the GUI in your browser at the URL printed to the console.

3. Configure the training job

Select the desired training pipeline type in the top-level tab.

For this tutorial, we don't need to change any of the configuration values. The preset configuration should work well.

4. Generate the YAML configuration

Click on 'Generate Config' to generate a YAML configuration file. This YAML configuration file could be used to launch the training job from the CLI, if desired.

5. Start training

Click on the 'Start Training' and check your terminal for progress logs.

6. Monitor training

Monitor the training process with Tensorboard by running tensorboard --logdir output/ and visiting localhost:6006 in your browser. Here you can see generated validation images throughout the training process.

Screenshot of the Tensorboard UI showing validation images. Validation images in the Tensorboard UI.

7. Invokeai

Select a checkpoint based on the quality of the generated images.

If you haven't already, setup InvokeAI by following its documentation.

Copy your selected LoRA checkpoint into your ${INVOKEAI_ROOT}/autoimport/lora directory. For example:

# Note: You will have to replace the timestamp in the checkpoint path.
cp output/1691088769.5694647/checkpoint_epoch-00000002.safetensors ${INVOKEAI_ROOT}/autoimport/lora/pokemon_epoch-00000002.safetensors

You can now use your trained Pokemon LoRA in the InvokeAI UI! 🎉

Screenshot of the InvokeAI UI with an example of a Yoda pokemon generated using a Pokemon LoRA model. Example image generated with the prompt "A cute yoda pokemon creature." and Pokemon LoRA.

Quick Start - CLI

1. Installation

Follow the invoke-training installation instructions.

2. Training

See the Textual Inversion - SDXL tutorial for instructions on how to train a model via the CLI.