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  1. Python >= 3.10 is currently supported. Check your Python version by running python -V.
  2. An NVIDIA GPU with >= 8 GB VRAM is recommended for model training.

Basic Installation

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the invoke-training repo.
  2. Clone the repo:
    git clone
  3. Create and activate a python virtual environment. This creates an isolated environment for invoke-training and its dependencies that won't interfere with other python environments on your system, including any installations of InvokeAI.
    # Navigate to the invoke-training directory.
    cd invoke-training
    # Create a new virtual environment named `invoketraining`.
    python -m venv invoketraining
    # Activate the new virtual environment.
    # On Windows:
    # On MacOS / Linux:
    source invoketraining/bin/activate
  4. Install invoke-training and its dependencies:
    # A recent version of pip is required, so first upgrade pip:
    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    # Install:
    pip install ".[test]" --extra-index-url

Developer Installation

  1. Consider forking the repo if you plan to contribute code changes.
  2. git clone the repo.
  3. Create and activate a python virtual environment. This creates an isolated environment for invoke-training and its dependencies that won't interfere with other python environments on your system, including any installations of InvokeAI.
    # Navigate to the invoke-training directory.
    cd invoke-training
    # Create a new virtual environment named `invoketraining`.
    python -m venv invoketraining
    # Activate the new virtual environment.
    # On Windows:
    # On MacOS / Linux:
    source invoketraining/bin/activate
  4. Install invoke-training and its dependencies:
    # A recent version of pip is required, so first upgrade pip:
    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    # Editable install:
    pip install -e ".[test]" --extra-index-url
  5. (Optional) Install the pre-commit hooks: pre-commit install. This will run static analysis tools (ruff) on git commit.
  6. (Optional) Setup ruff in your IDE of choice.